Join our Advocacy!
Resource Center advocates for the LGBTQIA+ community as well as all people impacted by HIV/AIDS. The Center’s advocacy takes many forms, from meeting with local and state lawmakers about issues important to the LGBTQIA+ and HIV/AIDS communities to working with local government, businesses and schools to create more inclusive environments. We also keep the community informed, and encourage grassroots advocacy to protect our rights.
Defend HIV Prevention Funding
Pass the Equality Act
Get Ready to Vote
Help Us Promote Better Laws & Policies
Join us as we work to promote better laws and policies for the LGBTQIA+ and HIV/AIDS communities! Click the button below to sign up and be one of the first to know about upcoming advocacy opportunities.
When it comes to advocating for the LGBTQIA+ community as well as all people impacted by HIV/AIDS, it’s an important part of Resource Center’s past, present and future. We’ve spoken and marched in demonstrations and encouraged people to write letters, send e-mails and make phone calls to their elected representatives.
Here are examples of our past work:
- Worked in partnership with statewide organizations to stop hundreds of anti-LGBTQIA+ bills in the Texas Legislature.
- Connected Resource Center supporters with members of the Texas Legislature through calls to action, with more than 23,000 contacts made in the last legislative session alone.
- Led the efforts to get Dallas ISD to adopt a comprehensive anti-bullying policy, the first of its kind in Texas.
- Worked with the City of Dallas and Dallas County to add transgender employment protections and health insurance benefits.
- Served as a National Voter Registration Day partner to register our community members to vote.
- Worked with medical schools, doctors and hospitals to improve access to competent healthcare for the LGBTQIA+ community.
- Helped numerous municipalities, companies and other organizations adopt LGBTQIA+ inclusive policies for employees and residents.