Blog: A holiday wish for those living with HIV

Daniel Sanchez | Nutrition Center Supervisor

Approximately 30% of the clients Resource Center serves at its Health Campus are homeless or in unstable housing situations. Access to basic necessities is a challenge for those we serve and COVID-19 has taken an even further toll on the HIV community..

But you can help! Consider making a donation of the below essentials to add to our holiday gift bags. We will distribute these bags to our clients in mid-December. Deadline to donate items is December 10.*

The following essentials are needed in new condition unless otherwise indicated.
• Toothpaste, toothbrush
• Dental floss, mouth wash
• Hair gel, hair spray
• Comb, hairbrush
• Q-Tips, cotton swabs
• Deodorant, antiperspirant
• Wipes, Kleenex, tissue paper
• Baby oil, baby powder
• Disposable razors, shaving cream
• Chapstick, lip balm
• Feminine products
• Sewing kits, cosmetic travel bags
• Candles
• Scarfs, gloves, mittens, caps, socks (gently used acceptable)
• Blankets, jackets, coats, umbrellas, rain parka (gently used acceptable)
• Rolling shopping-utility cart, rolling duffle bag, large reusable shopping tote bags (gently used acceptable)

Other items:
• Crayons
• Coloring book
• Children’s story books

Food donation priorities: Shelf-stable proteins preferably small or single-serve containers,
preferably with pop tops. For our client’s health, we try to limit high sodium content and high
sugar items. All food distributed through the Food Pantry must be packaged for retail

  1. Canned Meats: salmon etc. chili, stew, Vienna sausage, Deviled Ham,
  2. Canned Soups: meaty soups
  3. Canned fruits and vegetables: potatoes, collard greens, mixed vegetables, corn,
    peas, etc. peaches, pears, fruit cocktail, Mandarin oranges, pineapple,
  4. Meal “fixings”: ketchup, mustard, mayo, hot sauce, flavoring sauce, salt, pepper,
    herbs and spices, salad dressing, coffee, powder creamer, sugar, etc.

Drop off times are Mon – Fri, 8 a.m.– 3 p.m. at Health Campus located at 4012 Reagan St., Dallas, TX 75219

COVID is also having a direct impact on our clients both emotionally and physically. We have seen a multitude of issues ranging from anxiety due to separation of family, loss of family member and friends, depression, feeling of worthless and stress of job loss. This combined with the holidays quickly approaching has taken a real toll.

If your company could create note and holiday cards with messages of hope and inspiration this would make a difference in the lives of others! We will add these cards to our holiday gift bag wish list Items.

The Health Campus itself also has some wish list items to better serve our clients:

  • PPE kits, including masks, gloves, face shields, sanitizer gel, wipes
  • Insulated bags for cold items
  • Basic kitchen set (e.g., skillet, saucepan, paring knife, chef knife, spatula, etc.)

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