Camp Youth First

camp 7

Camp Youth First is a month-long giving drive in August that supports programming for Resource Center’s Youth First program. With the support of our Camp Youth First sponsors, Youth First provides year-round free programs and activities that build confidence for LGBTQIA+ teens ages 12-18 and equips them with the tools and resources they need to live an authentic life. As Youth First continues to change lives and make a positive difference, it relies on the support and generosity of individuals like you. Here are some ways you can contribute to this vital cause:

  1. Donate: Your donations directly impact the lives of LGBTQ+ youth, enabling them to access counseling, education, and community-building activities.
  2. Spread Awareness: Share information about the Youth First Program on social media and with your friends and family. Raising awareness is a powerful tool for change.
  3. Volunteer: Consider volunteering your time and skills to assist with program activities, workshops, or events.
  4. Corporate Sponsorship: If you represent a business or organization, explore the possibility of corporate sponsorship to help expand the program’s reach and impact.

We’d like to thank all of the sponsors who have supported Camp Youth First:

Camp Director

  • Purple Foundation
  • Wells Fargo


  • Ben E. Keith Foundation
  • Kate & Keith Newman
  • Texas Instruments 
  • Toyota

The Youth First Program is not just about supporting LGBTQ+ youth; it is about creating a more inclusive and compassionate world for all. Through its commitment to nurturing young minds, the program is sowing the seeds of progress and equality. As we stand united in supporting these courageous individuals, we pave the way for a brighter, more accepting future where everyone is free to be their true selves.

happy thanksgiving.
All resource Center locations
closed thursday & friday,
Nov. 23 &24.